Fur Scrap Bag
Fur Scrap Bag
Fur Scrap Bag
Fur Scrap Bag
Fur Scrap Bag
Monkey Boys Productions

Fur Scrap Bag

Regular price $8.00 $0.00 Unit price per
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As much scrap fur as we can comfortably fit into a 10" x 12" zip top bag. Pieces are offcuts of our work in the shop, and feature a variety of sizes, most large enough to make a wig for our Flick, Glurp, Splat, Blip, and Hubbub puppets. Great for eyebrows, beards, moustaches, ear hair, tails, fur cuffs, and anything else you can think up! 

**Because these are offcuts they are only available as fur is used in the shop. Check back often to see if you can snag a bag!** 

**No guarantees can be made as to the size and/or colors available inside each bag.**